I am thankful for:
1) Many happy memories of my childhood.
2) Parents that loved me unconditionally.
3) Having my parents in my life as long as I did (although I wish they were still here).
4) Two older brothers that always made me feel protected and safe.
5) A sister that made me paper princess crowns, baked with me and took me on some of her dates.
6) My ex husband. Yes, it's true. For without him I would not be who I am today and I would not have my children.
7) For the unsung heroes in my life: The pregnant mothers that unselfishly decided on adoption instead of abortion. You have made a wonderful difference in a strangers life.
8) For my children. I have learned from them. I love them with all of my heart.
9) For educational assistants and teachers that have truly cared for my children, difficulties and all and remembering they are people too.
10) For my friends. The ones who call me daily. The ones who challenge me creatively. The ones that meet me for coffee. The ones I know will be there should I need them.
11) The right to vote.
12) The right to practice my religion.
13) My home.
14) My pets.
15) The gifts that are provided daily in nature.
16) For the best job in the world...taking care of a precious baby that lights up my days
17) The ability to read.
18) The military that have and are serving so that I may be free.
19) Good books.
20) 25 calorie hot chocolate.
21) The opportunities each day provides.
22) Good mail.
23) Ex in- laws that continue to allow me to still call them family.
24) A strong will.
25) Wonderful memories of holidays past.
26) The chance to spend my Mom's last days with her here in my home.
27) Water and ice.
28) Dr. Phil.
29) The ability to go on even in adversity.
30) Crafts.
31) Integrity.
32) Honesty.
33) To know heroes that are not afraid to take a stand.
34) Angels.
35) GOD.
36) Sleep.
37) Dancing With the Stars.
38) Hugh Jackman.
39) Memories of a neighborhood that cared.
40) Growing up in a small town.
41) Having a legacy of pride left for me.
42) Photographs.
43) Bubble baths.
44) Your comments in response to my blog.
45) The ability to learn something new each day.
46) The ability to walk.
47) For organ donors.
48) For my sisters second chance at life.
49) The strength to abstain from sugar.
50) The opportunity to share my take on life through this blog.
Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving.
and i am thankful for YOU!
I loved reading this...I feel like I know you a little better now! Ummm, can you please advise on the strength to abstain from sugar? Because I don't seem to know how to do that.
Oh Kandi..it's a constant struggle for me. I fail alot but am so happy when I can go a day without it! It is like a drug. I do cherish my sugar free hot chocolate though! :)
And I am so blessed to have such a wonderfull person in my life-and that my friend is YOU!
Your thankful heart humbles me. I read the list twice and I will read it again. I am thankful for a sister who listens to me when I should be listening to her. Happy Thanksgiving to my sister who I love very much.
I am thankful for your friendship and constant companionship in Christ!
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