Today, there is much to do.
A few gifts left to wrap.
Spaghetti sauce to be prepared,
toffee to be made,
cleaning to be done,
errands to be run,
a medical appointment,
to name a few.
I imagine things are much the same at your house.
If you happen to be here,
reading my blog,
good for you!
Not for reading my blog particularly,
but for taking a few brief moments for yourself today.
This will be my final "Christmas post."
I have a few things I'd like to say to wrap this all up.
First of all, let's never forget the reason for the season.
Thank you God for giving us your only son.
We celebrate HIS life this Christmas.
I hope you all take time to cherish each other, give of yourself freely
and enjoy all this season has to offer.
There is magic just waiting for you.
If you are traveling, I wish you good weather and
better roads. Be safe and be smart. Your loved
ones are awaiting you.
Reflect on good memories past
and remember, you are making new memories
that one day, someone will be reflecting upon.
Don't be afraid to be silly, to laugh, to be giddy.
It's not all reserved for the kids.
Adults can play too!
Embrace the old.
Create something new.
It's a Wonderful Time of Year.
Forget Happy Holidays...
wish someone a Merry Christmas today!
You could just make their day.
I wish you good health, peace and joy for Christmas
and the New Year-2011. May you and yours be blessed today and forever.
Merry Christmas from my full heart to yours,
Merry Christmas! They are forecasting 3"-6" starting at 9:00 p.m. tonight through 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. I will call before we leave.
Merry Christmas. We will have 3-6" overnight. I will call before we leave tomorrow morning. We will eat lunch on the way. Don't stay up all night working! Love you.
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