Thursday, June 24, 2010

The "Adventure Has Begun"

Our count down to camping is at about 24 hours now.
To any of you that have camped, you can understand the week I have had getting everything all packed to go.  And I mean, everything.  It's amazing what you need to go on a back to nature get away.
I was up at the crack of dawn(5:00 a.m.) this morning, thanks to the birds singing and the dog whining to go out.  I told myself there was no point in trying to go back to sleep as there was plenty to get done this morning.
I was brushing my teeth when my lovely cat came flying in and proceeded to vomit on the floor (sorry for you weak stomached people...I am one myself but still felt the need to share this little tidbit).  I got that cleaned up and finalized the packing of my last tote box.  Eight o'clock rolled around so I decided I would be safe in mowing the lawn.  I made three passes before the mower deck began grinding.  Loudly.  Scarily.  I turned it off and back on 3-4 times thinking (hoping) it might just go away and get back to normal.  No such luck.

OK then.  I'll get my plants all watered well before I leave.  Despite the leak in my hose and being 6" shy of being able to comfortably water my Topsy Turvey's, I was successful.  The sweet peas needed a little weeding around them so I managed to do that as I generously fed the mosquitoes.
 I got the fishing poles all set up with leaders, sinkers and bobbers.  I know you're waiting for it but I did NOT get hooked! 
Since that went so well, I thought I'd get everything packed up that could be packed up at this point.  My only challenge was trying to work around Max (the dog) as he loves to ride in the car and jumped in every chance he got.

Here's the car, loaded up:

Here are Becky and Max, ready to go... a day early.

Looks pretty good if I do say so myself.
Oh.  Right.  I still have to get the coolers in there.  They're on the counter waiting to be filled.

Plus, I still have to get our clothes in there.  This will be very interesting.
I thought I'd take a break on the computer for awhile and thought I'd check the weather forecast.  I wish I hadn't.  Thunderstorms are predicted for Friday AND Saturday nights.
Our camping partners had checked the weather too and called to see if we still wanted to go.  My reply: "I'm committed to this now, we're going."
If you don't hear from me by Monday, you'll know that
been committed!
Here's hoping you enjoy
 your weekend!

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