Monday, April 2, 2012

Holding On

No longer living.
No longer growing.
Yet reaching out
with open arms.

Stretching upwards.
Remaining strong.
Still holding on
for seasons to come.

A reminder to me.
Perhaps to you too.
Never give up
no matter what we face.

Blue skies await.


Nancy said...

Down but not out? :) Happy Monday, Jill!

Unknown said...

Great words to live by!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I'm sure it's happy for some admiration.

Lynne said...

I like prophetic words . . . and yours . . .

My Mind's Eye said...

Jill what a lovely set of pictures and your words are perfect. That bare tree is saying stand tall be proud!!
Hugs Madi and Mom

Buttons Thoughts said...

Beautiful words beautiful pic. I love tree art and the older the better.
Love your header gorgeous. B

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful poem! I love that it is filled with hope.

Lisa said...

I love the photo - I'm fascinated by dead trees. I think there is a certain majesty and dignity to them.

Susan said...

Beautiful and true!

Jackie said...

Love it !

Debbie said...

did you write that jill?? your words are beautiful, with the perfect companion shot!!

gorgeous blue sky!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Wow...that is a string of wise words to live by!

Dawnll said...

Such true words and a great reminder, thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I love it and needed it so much today!
Thank you very much for sharing!


Donna said...

What a neat old tree...

Gina said...

Thanks for sharing!

Ellie said...

That is a strong image - that tall tree reaching up into the blue sky. Your words are lovely too.

EG CameraGirl said...

I agree that's it's wise to not give up!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Such wise words Jill!

Your morning glories are WONDERFUL! I bought a package! Too early to plant here but I hope mine are as lovely as yours!

Rohrerbot said...

So true so true:) Plus they make wonderful perches for amazing birds:)

nanny said...

Great picture Jill. I think some dead trees are so very pretty.....

Michaele said...

Strong roots run deep don't they?

mountain mama said...


At Home in English Valley said...

Hi Jill, When I see a tree, I often think of all that it has witnessed...the stories it could tell. Seeing your tree makes this old tree hugger a little sad, but I'm sure this tree spread it's seeds far and wide. New life will grow from it... a perfect story for this Holy week. Love, Penny

Paula said...

Great words of advice. I'm getting to say something like this everyday as I visit my best friend from high school who has Lupus and is in therapy for her third broken bone.

Noelle said...

Hi Jill, such beautiful photos on your beautiful blog!!!! That tree is amazing, and I never thought about it that way...broken but not destroyed!!! Powerful!! Thanks for your kind words, and I will be popping over to be inspired by all the beautiful photos you take!!! God bless!!