This may sound crazy,
but I think know a game is changing my life!
On November 27, 2010,
my beautiful daughter was diagnosed with a blood clot.
Needless to say, it was devastating.
She was immediately put on medications
and many restrictions.
She couldn't run, jump, push, lift, or dance.
The dancing was the most crushing for her.
What 17 year old girl do you know
that doesn't love to dance?
The doctors informed us the only
thing she could do was walk.
It fell on my shoulders to be sure she walked.
And walked. And walked some more.
In between our heavy snowfalls
and arctic temperatures this winter,
walking outside was not very appealing.
We spent a few weeks driving
to an elementary school to
walk the halls each night.
That routine soon became just that.
As in...we soon tired of warming
up the car and walking
around the same circle night after night.
What could I do?
I stressed over this dilemma day after day.
My search led me to the Internet.
Having a Wii,
I decided to enter walking games.
I was immediately transported
to Amazon. com where I found this:

I promptly decided I would include it
in my daughter's Christmas stocking.
For $19.99,
my daughters health was worth the chance that it would work.
Out of the last 28 days, she has walked everyday but 2.
I have walked every day but 1.
That is a record.
For both of us.
We walk to contemporary songs around
an island by the name of Rhythmic Island.
We literally build the island as we earn chips as we walk.
We buy trees, flower beds, streetlights and signs,
apartments, houses, barns and silos.
Boutiques, restaurants, churches and more.
It is changing our lives.
I don't mind going for little walks around here.
But it can't be too hot and it can't be too cold.
I find myself getting bored and stopping,
not because I am tired but because
I get bored.
Not anymore!
Not with Walk it Out!
I walk and walk and walk.
I started out at 30 minutes a day
and quickly went to an hour a day.
And I sweat!
(Sorry, Mom, no dewiness in this case).
In fact, I don't just walk.
Sometimes, I actually catch myself jogging!
Sorry for the visual there,
but I jog!
I can't believe it.
Then there are times,
when the songs are so good,
I forget the walking
and I'm dancing around my house!
Many say video games are ruining our lives.
I can promise you, this game can and does
enhance one's life.
The serotonin kicks in
and I can accomplish anything I want to.
As I previously posted,
my word for the year is
And baby, we are MOVING!
Awesome! I'm so glad you found this...and I'm VERY proud of both of you for walking so often! You put the rest of us to shame! ;)
Wowie!!! That is terrific! We have a Wii, do they use famous songs?
We are saving up for a Wii because I wanted to try the Wii fit - except for when it tells me how fat and old I am! But this sounds very doable and fun! I am proud of you for what you are accomplishing!
Look it is all of us sisters commenting in a row!!! Can you tell this is an issue for us?!?
I love you girls! You're my only "followers" and you always have comments. Along with my sister, you keep me going. Thank you!
Kayla: Becky got the Wii for Christmas from her Dad last year. I got the Wii fit. I enjoy that but I feel like I get so much more of a work out with this and I can tell I am benefiting! I just can't believe I am seeming to be developing healthy habit! It's a first for me!
Sorry Karen, I forgot to answer you. :) Yes! There are 120 songs. Some are already there to start you out and then you have to earn the rest. Some songs or groups: Black Eyed Peas, Justin Beiber, Pussycat Dolls, Hoilday, Walkin' on Sunshine, to name just a few. All different tempos. Fun! And no...Konami didn't pay me to push this game. ;)
The songs sound good...maybe you should add that Amazon store link and we can buy it through you!
Here you go! What a neat idea, Karen!
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